What if it was you, or yours or the things you owned? Sometimes it feels as if, if it doesn’t affect us directly it no longer matters. But everything will affect us eventually, and we should never stop caring.
Forget the Middle East if you think it doesn’t affect you but simply look at what is happening on the world political stage. Think of Trump flanked by the world’s richest men. Do you really think he cares about the everyday Jill or Joe of America. Think of the wealthiest person in Australia returning from Trump’s inauguration on a mission to bring that type of politics to Australia. This woman along with the banks, mining companies and developers who allow our politicians to hang on to their coat tails; do any of them care about those who are struggling to put food on the table or those who don’t think their children will ever be able to buy a house in Australia?
It is all linked and it all begins with humanity, and if our humanity is only reserved for a certain few, then one day, we might find it is us on the receiving end of a world where humanity is circumstantial.
What if
What if it was your child?
Trembling and shaking in fear. A bloody wound upon her head.
No family member near.
What if it was your home?
Yours in the name of the law. Taken at night by gunpoint.
And chains put on the door.
What if it was your newborn twins?
New clothes they’d never worn. A proud trip to the registry.
A precision strike and they were gone.
What if it was your son?
A head no longer there. The dust of rubble on his limbs.
A world that didn’t care.
What if it was your daughter?
She had just got home from school. A beeping pager, a signal sent.
Would you think it cruel?
What if, what if, what if?
What if it was you?
What if?