Red Lines.
The first phase of the ceasefire has ended, and once again, Israel has blocked all humanitarian aid into Gaza. Everybody knows they were never going to move into the second phase as that involved withdrawal from Gaza, but the world likes to pretend. So now we are once again watching collective punishment and the weaponisation of starvation as a means of warfare. Both of which are crimes against humanity. Red lines and Western Leaders and Media remain silent.
Meanwhile, in every ‘civilised’ part of the world, democracy, freedom of speech, artistic expression (and the list goes on and on) are under attack. If you look at past atrocities in the world’s history, it is the people who were ‘nice’, ‘compliant’ and followed the ‘law’ that allowed the atrocities to happen. Imagine if we all fought for the lines that should never be crossed. What a different world it would be.
Red lines
There are no red lines anymore,
no red lines at all,
not for those who rule,
bully and profiteer from war.
It was all so easy to withdraw,
“no, no, not me, no, no, not us”
as we gave away our freedom,
the last red line to be ignored.