Kerri, celebrating 44 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project.
The idea for this project came from my experience of ageing, from the incredible women I have photographed who apologise for their flaws before celebrating their beauty, from other cultures who treat their older women with respect & reverence & from friends who are navigating the mysteries of ageing with joy, strength, courage & humour. Fuck the stereotypes. Age whatever way you want, & celebrate every moment, as it is a privilege to age when so many in our world do not have that opportunity.
I wanted the experience to be as important as the result. In the words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I wanted to remind women of the magic of being seen, being heard, being celebrated & feeling beautiful.
I wanted the project to move slowly, & for there to be multiple points of contact. We catch up at a Discovery Meeting, the shoot is personalised, I wanted there to be a post-shooting meeting/debrief & the project was to end with a celebratory exhibition.
Kerri Ford is the first project participant to have had her post-shoot meeting. Initially I hoped to use this meeting to select the Hero Image for the exhibition, but I realised on Friday that that process was too stressful which is something I wanted to avoid with this project. Thank you to Kerri for giving me feedback & working with me as I realised my first idea of the post-shoot meeting was all wrong! We watched Kerri’s beautiful shoot slideshow & I went over ways for Kerri to cull her gallery & come up with a favourite or two! I cannot wait to find out which image is Kerri’s favourite as it will become the first image for the exhibition!
The Your Face, Your Story Project started off as a project of the heart for me and is turning out to be much more than I could have ever imagined.
If you want to learn more about this project, please email me at details can be found on my website:
xxxLaraBeauty, hope, joy, & inspiration