It’s Genocide.
Every non-political humanitarian association and organisation in the world has said it. It’s genocide. It’s just the western governments and mainstream media that like to deny it. Humanity has been teetering on a knife edge for decades due to the self-destructive nature of human beings but the speed at which things are escalating is terrifying and it feels like we are at a tipping point.
Trump ushered in an era where you are allowed to dismiss anything you want with the term “fake news”. Western Media no longer speaks the truth but just peddles the narrative of their owners and any corporation or lobby group that they are entangled with. If you do speak out, you will be sacked (Antoinette Latouff ABC), locked up (think Assange) or simply executed (at least 196 members of the press dead in Gaza.)
If you do speak out about the government, because you have found out they are acting in a criminal way, then rest assured you will be convicted of treason, terrorism or whatever other trumped up charge they want to throw at you. (Assange or Boyle.)
If you are powerful and preferably white and want land, take it. If the natives resist, call them sub-human, animals or better still terrorists and bomb the shit out of them. You used to have to lock them up or colonise them but now you can just kill them all.
I am so sick of being asked why I care. I care because I have a pulse and because humanity is worth fighting for. Governments and corporations do not change the world – I think the time has passed when we can rely on our governments or big business. It is people who change things, but you have to care enough to fight.
Silence is not neutrality; it is complicity, and the world deserves better than that.
It’s Genocide
Doctors without borders: It’s Genocide
The UK: We don’t believe that term can be applied.
World Health Organisation: It’s Genocide
Australia: This lack of social cohesion is causing a great divide.
United Nations: It’s Genocide
The USA: We asked Israel to investigate themselves.
We will wait to see what information they provide.
Amnesty International: It’s Genocide
Israel: They are all terrorists and that can never be justified.
Human Rights Watch: It’s Genocide
The USA: Israel has replied, it’s self-defence,
now what other weapons can be supplied?
It’s Genocide.