I want to sleepI want to sleep. I have images burned on my brain that will never leave me. As the horror is escalating, each day I wake to think that...
Shannon, celebrating 52 fabulous yearsShannon, celebrating 52 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project. Shannon’s shoot coincided with the Coreopsis – we were...
17,000 orphans17,000 orphans UNICEF estimated in February 2024 that there were at least 17,000 children in the Gaza Strip accompanied or separated from...
Conversations with OdayConversations with Oday Words by Oday. Image by Palestinian Photo-Journalist Mahmoud Abu Hamda - @mahmoudhamda Arrest warrants have...
Jan, celebrating 75 fabulous yearsJan, celebrating 75 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project. Jan and I met at dawn for her Your Face, Your Story Project...
Conversations with OdayConversations with Oday I don’t know how anyone can turn a deaf ear, or a blind eye to the horrors that are currently going on in the...
Shannon, celebrating 52 fabulous yearsShannon, celebrating 52 fabulous years with the Your Face, Your Story Project. I had a lovely afternoon with Shannon on Saturday....
Conversations with OdayConversations with Oday Imagine growing up in a world which made you afraid of hope. Photo as featured on @trtworld Oday is my...
Conversations with OdayConversations with Oday Oday is my friend. At 21 years of age he is the sole provider for his beloved family in Gaza. Please help...
The world is changingToday marked the 30 days that the grand old US of A gave Izzy to clean up its act before they would assess their supply of billions of...